5 Feb 2016

Minibus Adventures – A Journey Towards Bury

The Existence:
Almost 35 years ago, when I was coming into existence, all I can see was “Darkness”, all I can feel was “Numbness” and warmth all over my body not knowing where it came from. I was afraid, not knowing where I am but also felt secured and comfortable not knowing the “why” behind it but something or someone was making it sure, I remain secured. I didn’t know what am I or how do I look? Heck, I didn’t even know I was something or just a thought of someone else. Suddenly, I felt the force that I was being pulled or pushed. I was confused and frightened as I had never felt like this before and soon I realized I was in someone else’s body. I cried being scared as hell as I was grabbed by somebody else and it tore me apart being the part of someone else I didn’t know. I couldn’t see as I was in shock. All I can do was feel what is going on with the environment. I felt someone is rubbing me, this made me feel more insecure but then all I can do was just feel, nothing more. I kept crying, whatever they were doing. I didn’t like it, later I realized that they were washing me up or in other words, making me hygienic. Soon, I felt that I am coming closer to someone, I felt the same warmth and security when I didn’t exist in this god-forsaken world. I kept myself quite then and tried to feel “her”. I know she was “she” because I was “he”. There was some difference between her and me. The force of gravity was different and when I found the new sense, “the smell” I could also feel that she even smells different than others around me and myself. Suddenly, I hear someone inaudibly then I could hear, “Wake up David! You are getting late”. I opened my eyes and saw myself laying on the bed and came into senses that all I was telling you was a part of my dream or maybe a memory stored inside my sub-consciousness.
The Life:
As you all might have guessed, my name is David and according to the memory I was sharing with you tells that I am almost 35 years old. I drive Minibus in Bury. Yeah, you noticed. I wasn’t a book worm. Unfortunately, you noticed purely wrong. I have a Masters in Electrical Engineering and a lot more other diplomas in various kind of scientific departments. Now you might be wondering then why the minibus?
I joined Coach Hire Manchester, a transportation company in the year 2090. When the world had a world war 3 and everything was lost. Now there isn’t any value to knowledge. You have to be in relation with the “Federation” to achieve that kind of job so yeah, I am better of as a minicab driver. Now, I have to get ready for work, so let’s call it a day.



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