5 Feb 2016

Uber-RUSH, the Next Big Thing in Freight Forwarding

International shipping industry has been significantly increasing day by day. In the past few years, the cargo services have gone from waterborne to airborne. But now, something cool is happening on the ground. Recently, Uber has launched Uber-RUSH in three cities of USA; New York, Chicago and San Francisco. Don’t worry there are some companies like Pak Cargo in Manchester that provide these kind of services all over the United Kingdom. But, this is where the game changes, Uber-Rush has a special treat for you, where you can realistically track the cargo while being mobile. Cool, isn’t it? Ideas so intuitive and inventive like Uber-Rush are the next big thing!
Why is it the Next Big Thing?
Well, as you might have known that Uber doesn’t provide services directly, they are known for their services provided to the providers who provide services to you like minicabs. Getting it? Well, let’s put it simply. Uber-Rush helps people order small packages delivered right to them from the businesses, all while tracking where that small package is directly from the app.
This app is not international yet, heck! It’s not even waterborne or airborne yet. But, you can already see the potential in this dominating app, don’t you? Admit it, you know that by 2020 or so this app will have dominated the international shipping industry all over the world. These kind of technological companies don’t stop in one thing. Just like Amazon is now becoming the freight forwarding company itself.
The Pros:
As some of the companies have already applied this app on their business, they have increased their business about 35% more, almost $100,000 more added into their business the first year! On the other side the customers get Fast Cargo Services and they can track the delivery progress directly though the Uber-Rush app. So, there is customer satisfaction and a bird’s eye view over the packages being delivered to the customer. You already might have guessed how profitable can it be on both the sides specially if you are thinking about running a freight forwarding company in 2016. This might be a cool idea, considering Uber-Rush as a part of your services.
The Cons:
When a new alpha dominates the jungle, the older alpha becomes beta and the beta becomes delta and so forth. This is what Uber-Rush will sound like in this shipping industry. Businesses who wouldn’t shake hands with this app will likely to be high in stress and possibly run out of business because customers look for services like these and Uber-Rush knows that. Because technology is always demanding and dominating, every business should appreciate it.
If you are thinking about opening up the business in freight forwarding company or you want to stand up from the crowd then this might be your best solution. You should try the tech stuff now.



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